PTU-Love and Smooches
Tube of choice-I am using the GORGEOUS artwork of Jessica Dougherty.
To purchase this and other artwork visit CDO.
Scrap Kit used is Dark Heart by Honored Scraps *Such a BEAUTIFUL Kit
Patty! Thank You so much!* You can purchase this kit at CDO.
Font used is a FTU font called Plaster of Paris
Open a 600X250 Transparent New Image.
Open Paper_05 and copy and paste as a New Layer. I move up to get some
of the glitter at the bottom of the paper in the tag. Activate your bottom layer,
Selections Select All, Activate your paper layer, Image Crop to Selection.
Open WordArt_02 and copy and paste as a New Layer. I moved to the right
hand side of the tag. Layers Duplicate. With your move tool, move to the
left hand side of the tag. Layers Merge Merge Down. Activate your bottom
layer, Selections Select All, Activate your word art layer, Image Crop to Selection.
Open your tube (I used the close up one) and copy and paste as a New Layer.
I move just off center (to the right) of the tag. Activate your bottom layer,
Selections Select All, Activate your tube layer, Image Crop to Selection.
Open Element_20 and copy and paste as a New Layer. I moved to the right
hand side of the tag and down and below the tube layer. Layers Duplicate
Image Mirror and Flip. Layers Merge, Merge Down. Activate your bottom
layer, Selections Select All, Activate your fence layer, Image Crop to Selection.
Open Element_18 and copy and paste as a New Layer. I moved under the
tube layer and to the upper right hand corner of the tag. Effect Edge Effects
Enhance More. Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate
your chandelier, Image Crop to Selection.
Open Element_24 and copy and paste as a New Layer. Add a drop shadow
and move under the tube layer and into the upper left hand corner. Layers
Duplicate and move to another part of the left hand. Layers Merge Merge
Down. Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your flower
layer, Image Crop to Selection.
Open Element_28 and copy and paste as a New Layer. Add a drop shadow
and move into the upper left hand corner and below the other flower layer.
Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your pink flower
layer, Image Crop to Selection.
Open Element_47 and copy and paste as a New Layer. I moved to the bottom
righ hand side of the tag and below the tube layer. Activate your bottom layer,
Selections Select All, Activate your leaves layer, Image Crop to Selection.
Open Element_25 and copy and paste as a New Layer. I moved to the bottom
right hand side of the tag and moved down above the leaves layer. Activate
your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your rose layer, Image Crop
to Selection.
Open Element_54 and copy and paste as a New Layer. I moved down and
below the tube layer. Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate
your ribbon layer, Image Crop to Selection. Layers Duplicate and I move
one copy down to above the fence layer. With your top ribbon layer active,
use the eraser tool to erase what is showing on the flower and leaves.
With your top layer active, Open Paper_02 and copy and paste as a New
Layer. Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your top
paper layer, Image Crop to Selection. Selections Select All, Selections
Float/Defloat, Selections Modify Contract 3 and hit OK. Hit the Delete Key
once on your keyboard. Selections Select None.
Layers Merge Visible.
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