Monday, March 26, 2012

PTU-Midnight Dreams

PTU-Midnight Dreams

Tube of Choice-I am using the GORGEOUS artwork of Anna Marine!  You can purchase this and others at CDO

Kit used is called Midnight Dreams by Foxy's Desingz. Thanks Ann!  This kit is GORGEOUS!  You can purchase this and other great kits at Digi Fox's Studio

Mask used is MB and SW Mask 33.  It is a FTU Mask and can be downloaded at Moonbeams and Spiderwebs

Font used is a FTU font called Pea Thinksilver

Filters used are Gradient Glow (for © copyright info) and Alien Skin Drip


Open a 700X700 Transparent New Image

Open Paper10_FD and copy and paste as a New Layer. Open your mask, Layers New Mask Layer From Image, scroll to find your mask and hit OK.  Layers Merge Merge Group.

Open Sparkles_FD Image Resize 650X650 and copy and paste as a New Layer.

Open your tube and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved down and to the left a bit.
I also added a dropshadow.

Open Moon_FD Image Resize 250X278 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Move it up and to the right.  Move this blow your tube layer.

Open Leaves1_FD Image Resize 352X600 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Move below your tube layer and to the left a bit.

Open Flower1_FD Image Resize 250X250 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved this up and to the left so it was on the leaves and showing above the tube layer.

Open Jewel1_FD and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Move this down and move below the bead layer.

Open Star2_FD and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved this down and to the right a bit and moved this below the jewel layer.

Open Splash1_FD and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved down and to the right and moved above the mask layer.

Open Drops_FD and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved up and to the right and moved down above the splash layer.

Open Bead1_FD and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved down and to the left and moved down below the tube layer.

Open Bead2_fd and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the right and moved below the tube layer.

Open Tears_FD and copy and paste as a new Layer.  I moved so the top tear is falling from the top of the moon and move so it is above the moon layer.

I like my tags 600X600 so I resized.  Added my © copyright and License info and added my name.  I used Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Nature Drip with the setting of Small, Streaks.

Hugs, Staci

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

PTU-The Land of Nod

PTU-The Land of Nod

Tube of Choice-I am using the artwork of Jessica Dougherty.  You can purchase this and other BEAUTIFUL tubes at CDO
Scrap kit used is call Land of Nod by Lins Creations, *Love this kit Lins*  You can purchase this kit and other GREAT kits at Scrappin' Naturally

Mask used is MB and SW Mask 21.  You can download this at Moonbeams and Spiderwebs

Font used is a FTU font called Angelic War


Open a 700X700 Transparent New Image

Open LC_Land of Nod_elements (52) Image Resize 650X270 and copy and paste as a new layer. Move this toward the bottom of your tag.  Once happy with your placement I duplicated and the top copy layer Adjust Blur Gaussian Blur 4.00 and change your Blend Mode to Soft Light. Layers Merge Merge Down.

Open your tube and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Move this behind the hill.  Once happy with your placement, Layers Duplicate and again on the top copy Adjust Blur Gaussian Blur 4.00 and change your blend mode to Soft Light. On the original layer I put a small dropshadow.

Open LC_Land of Nod_elements (53) Image Resize 650X426 and copy and paste as a New Layer. I moved it up slightly.  Once happy with your placement Layers Duplicate and on your copy layer Adjust Blur Gaussian Blur 4.00 and change your Blend Mode to Soft Light.  I put a small dropshadow on the original layer. Merge these together and move it behind yout tube layer.

Open LC_Land of Nod_elements (33) Image Resize 437X650 and copy and paste as a New Layer. Move this behind your tube layer and to the left a bit.  Use your eraser tool to erase any showing under the hill layer.  Once happy with your placement I duplicated and on the copy layer Adjust Blur Gaussian Blur 4.00 and merge these together.

Open LC_Land of Nod_elements (22) (23) (24) Resize them all to a width of 200 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Move these around to where you like.  Move these below the tree layer.

Open LC_Land of Nod_elements (16) Image Resize 500X498 and copy and paste as a New Layer. I moved it to the right and under the cloud layers and them moved the clouds around it.

Open LC_Land of Nod_elements (30) Image Resize 650X207 and copy and paste as a New Layer. I moved this around to where I liked it and then moved it below the tube layer. I then Duplicated and on the copy layer Adjust Blur Gaussian Blur 4.00

With your bottom layer active Open LC_Land of Nod_paper (18) and copy and paste as a new layer.  Open your mask Layers New Mask Layer from Image, scroll to find your mask and hit OK.  I moved my mask layer around a bit.

Once happy with your tag, Layers Merge Merge Visible.  I resized to 600X600 added my
©copyright and License info and name and that is it!

Hugs, Staci

Tuesday, March 20, 2012



Tubes of Choice-I am using the artwork of Pinuptoons!  You can purchase these and other great tubes at CDO
Scrapkit used is Bitch Club by Foxys Designz!  Thank You Ann!  You can purchase this and other great kits at Digi Fox's Studio

Mask of choice-I am using a FTU Mask.  MB and SW Mask 21 by Moonbeams and Spiderwebs

Font of Choice-I am using a FTU font called Angry Blue


Open a 700X700 Transparent New Image

Open Element10_FD and copy and paste as a new layer.

Open Paper2_FD and copy and paste as a new layer.  Open your mask Layers New Mask Layer From Image Scroll to find your mask and hit ok.  Layers Merge Merge Group.

Open your tubes and copy and paste them all as new images.  I duplicated them and on the
original layer I added a drop shadow and on the duplicated layer I did Adjust Blur Gaussian Blur or 4.00.

Open Element5_FD Image Resize 79X400 and copy and paste as a new layer.  I moved to the left a touch.

Open Element8_FD Image Resize 450X399 and copy and paste as a new layer.

Open Element9_FD Image Resize 215X250 and copy and paste as a new layer.  I moved to the right Layers Duplicate Image Mirror and then Layers Duplicate and moved it up so it was on top of the other 2 speakers.

Open Element22_FD Image Resize 700X193 and copy and paste as a new layer.  Move this down above your mask layer.

Open Element3_FD Image Resize 215X75 and copy and paste as a new layer.  Move this to the right side of your top speaker.  Layers Duplicate Image Mirror.

Open Element36_FD and copy and paste as a new layer.  Move to the Bottom.

That is it!  We are done!  If all happy with you placement Layers Merge Merge Visible.
I like my tags 600X600 so I resize.
Add your ©Copyright and Licensing info and your name and you are done!

Hugs, Staci

Sunday, March 18, 2012



Tube of choice-I am using artwork by Barbara Jensen.  You can purchase this tube and others at her STORE

Kit used-I am using a Full Size kit by Zlata Designs call Autumn In My Heart.  You can purchase this and other great kits at Scrappin' Naturally

I used 2 Masks, MB and SW Mask 2 and MB and SW Mask 30.  Both are FTU masks at
Moonbeams and Spiderwebs

Font used is a FTU font called Simply Glamorous


Open a 700X700 Transparent New Image.

Open ZlataDesigns_AutumnInMyHeart_el(30) Image Resize 600X595 and copy and paste as a new layer.

Open ZlataDesigns_AutumnInMyHeart_pp(5) Image Mirror Image Resize 700X700 and copy and paste this under your frame layer.  I moved it down so part of the dark was in the frame Selections Invert and hit the delete key on your keyboard once.  Selections Select None.

Open ZlataDesigns_AutumnInMyHeart_el(9) Image Resize 300X195 and copy and paste this above your frame layer.  I moved it to the upper left of the frame, put a dropshadow
of choice on it and the layer Duplicate mirror/flip and moved on the bottom of the frame.

Open ZlataDesigns_AutumnInMyHeart_el(42) Image Resize 300X278 and copy and paste as a new layer.  I moved this to the bottom left hand side of the frame.

Open ZlataDesigns_AutumnInMyHeart_el(48) and copy and paste this above your frame paper layer.  I moved it so that it half covered that area the Layers Duplicate Image Mirror and moved it down so it covered the area.  Merge these together and activate your paper layer Selections Select All Selections Float/Defloat Selections Invert activate the white flower layer and hit the delete key once on your keyboard.  Selections Select None.  Change the opacity to 75%.

Open ZlataDesigns_AutumnInMyHeart_el(20) Image Mirror Image Resize 450X232 and copy and paste as a new layer.  Move to the bottom of the frame and under the wood flower layer.

Open ZlataDesigns_AutumnInMyHeart_el(10) Image Flip and copy and paste as a new layer.  I moved down on top of the branch layer.

With your frame layer active, copy and paste your tube as a new layer. You might need to use your eraser tool to erase bits that are showing on the bottom.

Open ZlataDesigns_AutumnInMyHeart_el(39) Image Resize 141X300 and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved this to the right hand side of the frame.

Open ZlataDesigns_AutumnInMyHeart_el(6) Image Resize 274X450 and copy and paste as a new layer. Move to the left and move under your wood flower layer.

with your bottom layer activated, Open ZlataDesigns_AutumnInMyHeart_pp(2) Image Resize 700X700 and copy and paste as a new layer.  Open MB and SW Mask 2, Layers New Mask Layer from Image, Scroll down to find your mask and hit OK. Layers Merge Merge group.  I moved this up toward the top of the tag.

Open ZlataDesigns_AutumnInMyHeart_pp(4) Image Resize 700X700 and copy and paste as a new layer. Open MB and SW Mask 30 Layers New Mask Layer from Image scroll and find your mask and hit OK Layers Merge Merge Group. Whate I did was Duplicate this mask layer and moved it down toward the bottom of the tag.

If happy with your placement of everything Layers Merge Merge Group.

I like my tags 600X600 so I resized and put on my ©copyright and Licensing info, Name and that
is it!

Hugs, Staci

Friday, March 16, 2012

PTU-Rock On!!

PTU-Rock On!!

Tube of Choice- I am using a close up tube by Ismael Rac.  You can purchase this and
other BEAUTIFUL artwork by him at his store XERACX

Kit used is called Rock On by AngelsDesigns *Thank You Kelly!!!  Beautiful kit as always*
You can purchase this and other great kits at Digi Fox's Studio

Mask used is MB and SW Mask 23 from Moonbeams and Spiderwebs
Font used is TrashBarusa a FTU font.


Open a 700X700 Trasparent New Image

Open AD_Frame1 and copy and paste as a new layer.

With you magic wand click on the inside of your frame, Open AD_Paper5 and copy and
paste as a new layer.  Move beneath your fram layer Selections Invert and with the
paper layer active hit delete once on your keyboard.  Selections Select None.

Open your tube and copy and paste as a new layer.  I had to resize the tube by 90%.
Layers Duplicate and make sure that you have 1 tube above your frame and one below.
Activate your top tube, Activate your eraser tool and erase some of the bottom so
you can see your frame.  Activate that bottom tube and if you need to erase some of
that tube thru the stars on the frame.

Open AD_GlitterTrail and copy and paste as a new layer. what I did was move it up
and to the left and moved it to the bottom, Layers Duplicate Image Mirror Flip

Open AD_DiscoBall Image Resize 50% and copy and paste as a new layer.  Move up and
to the right and move to the bottom.

With your top layer active, Open AD-Sparkles1 and copy and paste as a new layer.  I
moved to the right and moved it under the top tube layer and on the right side of the
Frame.  I then duplicated and flipped to move it on the bottom of the frame.

Open AD_Wire and copy and paste as a new layer.  I moved it to the upper right side of
the tag Layers Duplicate Image Mirror/Flip.  Once happy with your placement Merge them
together and move to the bottom layer.

Open AD_Music and copy and paste as a new layer.  I moved this to the bottom of the tube
once happy with placement I duplicated and moved one below the top tube and then activated
the top music and eraser the part covering the arm.

Open AD_Paper12 and copy and paste as a new layer.  Open your mask Layers New mask layer from Image Scroll to find your mask and hit OK.  I moved this to the right Layers Merge Merge Group. I then opened AD_Paper16 and copy and paste as a new layer.  I did the same mask Layers Merge Merge Group.  Image Flip and moved to the left.  Layers merge group I merged these together and them moved to the bottom layer.

If happy with everything Layers Merge Merge Visible.

I like my tags 600X600 so I resized.  Add your ©copyright and Licensing info.  Add your name and you are done!

Hugs, Staci

Monday, March 12, 2012

Rock On Cluster Frame

Here is a new Cluster Frame I made using Angel Designs Rock On kit.  It is a great kit and can be purchased at Digi Fox's Studio

You can download the frame HERE

Here is a tag I did using the Cluster Frame

Sunday, March 11, 2012

PTU-Sweet Purple

PTU-Sweet Purple

Tube of Choice-I am using a BEAUTIFUL tube by Ismael Rac!  You can purchase this and other beauties at XERACX

Kit used-I am using a BEAUTY call Purplex by Dazzling Scraps (Thank You Danielle!)  You can purchase this and other great kits at Scrappin Naturally

Mask-I am using Forum Mask 14 MB and SW by Moonbeams and Spiderwebs

Filter I used is Mura's Meister Copies Wall Paper(perspective)

Font used is Simply Adorable.  It is a FTU font.


Open a 600X250 Transparent New Image

Open Paper 19 and copy and paste as a new layer.  Activate the bottom layer Selections
Select All click on the paper layer Image Crop to Selection.

Layers New Raster Layer and flood fill with white Open your mask and Layers New Mask
Layer From Image, scroll down to find your mask and click OK.  Layers Merge Merge Group

Open Flower Doodle 3 and copy and paste as a new layer.  Effects Mura's Meister Copies
Under the picture scroll to find Wall Paper(perspective) and change the number to 5 and
click OK click on the paper layer Selection Select All click on the Doodle layer Image
Crop to Selection.

Open Flower with button 1 Image Resize 50% and copy and paste as a new layer.  (Move it off center as you will be doing this with 3 different flowers)  Effects Mura's Meister
Copies You will be using the same wall paper so just click on the picture and it will arrange it differently and hit OK. Click on the paper layer Selections Select All Click on the flower layer Image Crop to Selection.  Repeat this with Flower with button 2 and 3...Move these below your mask layer.

With your top layer active copy and paste your tube of choice (I used the medium sized tube) I moved her to the left after I Image Mirror.  Once happy with the placement activate your paper layer Selections Select All click on the tube layer Image Crop to Selection.

Open Fan 1 and copy and paste as a new layer.  I moved to the bottom right.  Activate the
paper layer Selections Select All click on the fan layer Image Crop to Selection.

What I did next was copy and paste Flower with leafs 1 2 and 3 and copy and paste and arranged behind the fan activating the paper layer after each one Selection Select All clicking on those flowers and the Image Crop to Selection.

That is it!  Merge All!  Add your ©Copyright and Licensing info and add your name and that is it!
Hugs, Staci

Friday, March 9, 2012

PTU-I'm not Broken

PTU-I'm not Broken

Tube of Choice- I am using a BEAUTIFUL tube by Elias Chatzoudis.  You can purchase this and other great tubes at PTE
Kit used I'm not Broken by Broken Sky Dezines *Thank You Tonya!* You can purchase this kit and others at Digi Fox's Studio

Filter used Mura's Meister Copies Wall Paper(perspective)

Font used is SA_Kiss.  It is a FTU font.


Open a 600X250 Transparent New Image

Open BSD10 in elements copy and paste as a new layer.  Activate your bottom layer Selections Select All click on the background layer Image Crop to Selection

Open BSD15 in elements and copy and paste as a new layer.  Effects Mura's Meister Copies Under the picture scroll down to Wall Paper(perspective) and make sure the number is on 20 and hit ok. activate the bottom layer Selections Select All click on the sparkle layer Effects Crop to Selection.

Copy and paste your tube as a new layer (I used the close up) add a dropshadow, activate
that bottom layer again Selections Select All activate the tube layer Effects Crop to

Open BSd47 and copy and paste as a new layer Change the Blend Mode ot Overlay Activate the bottom layer Selections Select All Activate the keyboard Effect Crop to Selection.

Open BSD16 and copy and paste as a new layer.  I moved it to the upper right of my tag.
If you move it partially off of the tag activate the bottom layer Selections Select All
Activate the Moon layer Effects Crop to Selections.

Open BSD14 and copy and paste as a new layer You might want to duplicate once or so to see it a little better.  What I did was duplicate it once and merged them together and moved it up on the tag making sure it was below the tube layer, and them duplicated that and then Image flip.

Open BSD22 and copy and paste as a new layer.  Move it up so the stars are showing and it is behind the tube.  Once happy with your placement activate the bottom layer Selections Select All activate the stars layer Effects Crop to Selection.

Here is what I did for the border.  I duplicated the bottom (black background layer) and moved that to the top.  Selections Select All Modify Contract 8 and hit the Delete Key once on my Keyboard.

Layers Merge Merge Visible.

Add on your ©copyright info and Name and you are done!

PTU_Behind the Rainbow

PTU-Behind the Rainbow

Tube of Choice-I am using a BEAUTIFUL tube by Constanza Ehrenhaus!  You can purchase this and other great tubes at PSPTubeStop

Kit used is called Over the Rainbow.  It can also be purchased at PSPTubeStop

Font used is a FTU font called Moonstone


Open a 700X700 Transparent New Image

Open shamrockframeGreen and copy and paste as a new layer.

I chose 2 colors from my tubes background but you can use a bachground paper if you choose, either with you magic wand or what I did was use the freehand selection tool to draw on the frame for your background.  Layers New Raster Layer copy and paste your background Selections Invert and hit the Delete Key once on your keyboard(New Raster Layer and flood fill your selection) Move this below your frame layer.

Copy and paste your tube as a new layer.  I duplicated and moved one layer above the frame and with my eraser tool, I erased what was on the frame.

Open Shamrock-design4 and copy and paste as a new layer.  Move this down so it is on top
of your paper layer.

What I did was open Spartkles_2 and copy and paste as a New Layer and moved this on top of my frame...I duplicated lots of times so I had enough to cover the frame..I then merged all these together activated the frame layer Selections Select All Float/DeFloat Invert, activated the sparkle layer and hit Delete once on my keyboard.

Open Ribbons-double-bow-Orange and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved down and to the left so it was on the corner  Duplicate, Adjust Blur Gaussian Blur 4.0  on the bottom layer I put a dropshadow and on the top layer I changed the Blend Mode to Soft Light.

Open Shamrock-cluster-It and copy and paste as a new layer.  I moved it up and right. Once happy with that placement Layers Duplicate and move down and to the left.  Merge these and move to the bottom.

Do the same with the WhiteDaisyCluster.

Open Daffodil4 and copy and paste as a new layer.  I moved this down and behind the tube layers.

I resized to 600X600 and decided to add Rainbow1...I copy and pasted as a new layer Image mirror and moved behind the tube layer.

Layers Merge Merge Visible  Add your ©copyright and License info and name

I'm not Broken Cluster Frame

I made this with Broken Sky Dezine's BEAUTIFUL kit I'm not Broken! You can purchase this and other great kits by Broken Sky Dezine's at Digi Fox's Studio

You can download the frame HERE

Thursday, March 8, 2012

PTU-Love is in my Heart

PTU-Love in my Heart

Tube/Kit used is ScrapLHD_PinUpToons-Package-143 This is a BEAUTIFUL combination of tubes and scrap kit provided by CDO

Mask used is MB and SW Mask 25 by Moonbeams and Spiderwebs

Font used is 13th Ghostwriter JRZ.  It is a FTU font and you can get it at Fontspace

Filters used Mura's Meister Copies


Open a 700X700 transparent New Image

Open ScrapLHD_PUT143-Paper3 and copy and paste as a new layer.

Open your mask Layers New Mask Layer scroll down to find your mask and then hit OK

Open ScrapLHD_PUT143-ele24 and copy and paste as a new layer.  Image Flip. Effects
Mura's Meister Copies.  Under the picture of the flowers is a scrolling arrow, find encircle, on the right hand side change the Number to 5 and click ok and you now have a frame!

Open ScrapLHD_PUT143-Paper14 and copy and paste as a new layer.  Move under the flower frame...I moved it around so some of the decorations on the paper were showing.

With your Freehand Selection Tool draw around the frame Selections Invert make the paper layer active and hit the delete key once on your keyboard.

Open ScrapLHD_PUT143-ele22 and copy and paste as a new layer.  I moved it up and to the right, Layers Duplicate and moved it down to the left.  Merge these 2 layers and move under the frame layer.

Open ScrapLHD_PUT143-ele16 and copy and paste as a new layer.  I moved it up and to the left and moved it under the frame and paper layer.  Once happy with placement Layers Duplicate Layers Mirror Layers Flip

Open ScrapLHD_PUT143-ele25 and copy and paste as a new layer.  I used my eraser tool and erased stem and then moved this under the frame layer

Open ScrapLHD_PUT143-ele49 and copy and paste as a new layer.  I moved this below the frame layer.

Open ScrapLHD_PUT143-ele14 and copy and paste as a new layer.  Effects Mura's Meister Copies with the same setting we did for the flowers. and hit OK.  Move this below your frame and paper layers but above the mask layer.

Open ScrapLHD_PUT143-wordart3 and copy and paste as a new layer.  I moved this down and to the right.  Once happy with your placement Layers Duplicate and move up and to the left.

With your frame layer active coy and paste your tube of choice.  Layers Duplicate and move that below your frame.  with the top tube activated use your eraser tool to erase parts of the tube so your frame is visible...You might have to erase a bit of the bottom tube also.  If you do a drop shadow you will want to do this to your bottom layer .

Once happy with everything layers Merge merge visible.  I like my tags 600X600.
Add your © copyright/license info and name and you are done!

Hugs, Staci
and name and you are done

Sunday, March 4, 2012

New Cluster Frame

Hi everyone!  I made a new Cluster Frame using LadyHawwk's Scrap from CDO Christmas Kit Mini 1!  This frame can be used year round and the Kit is gust GORGEOUS!

You can download the frame HERE

Friday, March 2, 2012

French White Cluster Frame

I have a new cluster frame for you using Hungry Hill's French White Scrap kit that is available at CDO!!!  Thank you Alison!  It is a very BEAUTIFUL kit!
You can download the frame HERE