Friday, December 30, 2011
Timeline Cover
Hi everyone! I made a timeline cover using the artwork of Ismael Rac that I thought I would share with you all!
Hugs, Staci
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
PTU-I Remember
PTU-I Remember
Tube of Choice- I am using the artwork of Anna Marine. You can purchase this and other
great tubes at CDO
Scrapkit used- I am using a BEAUTIFUL kit called Twilight Rose by Foxy's Designz. You can purchase this and other great kits at Foxy's Digi Store
Mask used- I am using MB and SW Mask 2 by Moonbeams and Spiderwebs. There are a bunch of great masks to download on her blog
Filter used- Xero Grayscaler. It is a FTU Filter and can be downloaded here
Font of Choice- I am using a FTU font called Trinigan FG. You can download this font at
Let's start by opening a New Image 700X700
Open Frame5_FD Image Resize 650X434 and copy and paste as a new layer.
With your magic want click on the inside of the frame. Selections Modify Expand 10
Activate the layer below the frame. Open Paper9_FD and copy and paste as a new layer
Selections Invert and hit the delete key on your keyboard. Don't unselect yet!
Open up your tube. This tube happens to have a close-up tube so copy and paste as a
new layer, I scooted her to the right and down a little. Hit delete on your keyboard but
don't unselect yet LOL.
Open Cloud_FD and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved it down toward the bottom of the frame (see my tag for my placement) and hit delete on your keyboard. Finally Selections Select None.
Activate your tube layer, Duplicate and on your original tube layer Effects Xero Greyscaler (make your colors all have 0) and hit ok.
Activate your duplicated tube layer Adjust Gaussian Blur 3.00 and change your blend mode to soft light. Layers Merge down so both tube layers are one layer now. Adjust Add/Remove Noise Add Noise and I did Gaussian 25% with Monochrome checked and hit ok. I then lowered the opacity a bit.
Once happy with how everything is Layers Merge Merge visible. and move toward the bottom of your tag (see my tag for my placement).
Open Glitter_FD Image Resize 650X477 and copy and paste as a new layer. Move below your frame layer.
Open HeartSwirlDeco_FD Image Resize 650X137 and copy and paste as a new layer. Move to the bottom of your tag.
Open Ladder_FD Image Rotate Right/Left and copy and paste as a new layer. Move below your frame layer but so that it is peeking above the frame.
Open Branch2_FD Image Resize 650X136 and copy and paste as a new layer move this like you did the ladder (See my tag for my placement.
ok Now open your tube (the full figure showing legs LOL) Image Mirror and copy and paste as a new layer and move to the bottom of the tag. I Duplicated the tube and on the duplicated tube I did Adjust Blur Gaussian Blur 3.00 then changed blend mode to Soft Light and merged the two tube layers together.
What I did next was Layers Merge Merge Visible...I resize my tags to 600X600 you might not With your Selection Tool set at Rectangle (0 feather) I start from the left (you might not LOL) Trace around your tag (we are getting rid of the empty space) once you are happy with what you have selected...Image Crop to Selection.
Open Paper11_FD and copy and paste as a new layer. Open your mask and then Layers New Mask Layer from Image Scroll down to find your mask and click ok. Layers Merge Merge Group
With your Mover Tool Move to the top of your tag once happy with it Layers Duplicate
Image Flip and Merge these two masks together and move to the bottom.
Add your © copyright and license information and name and you are done!
Hugs, Staci
Thursday, December 22, 2011
PTU-Winter's Elegance
PTU-Winter's Elegance
Tube of Choice- I am using a tube by Jennifer Janesko (I LOVE Janesko!) You can purchase
this or other creat tubes at CDO
Kit used- I am using the BEAUTIFUL kit by Mythical Designs called Winter Elegance. Thank You so much my Myth! (((HUGS))) You can purchase this and other great kits at Digi Fox's Studio
Mask used- Iam using a mask by Spiderwebs and Moonbeams (Forum mask 4 MB and SW) You can download this and other masks at Spiderwebs and Moonbeams
Font used- I used a free font called A song for Jennifer and you can download it at DaFont
Open a New Image (I like mine 600X250) Transparent
Selections> Select All Open Paper14_WinterElegance_MD and copy and paste Into Selection Selections> Select None.
On your first layer, Selections> Select All Open Paper3_WinterElegance_MD and copy and paste as a new layer. Selection> Invert and hit the delete key once on your keyboard.
Open Forum Mask 4 MB and SW.
Layers> New Mask Layer From Image scroll down to find your mask and hit ok.
Layers> Merge Merge Group.
Open Element48_WinterElegance_MD and copy and paste as a new layer. Go to your first layer Selections> Select All Click on Element 48 layer Image> Crop to canvas size. I moved this below the mask layer.
Open Element23_WinterElegance_MD Image> Resize 300X300 and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved it to the left Duplicated it and moved it to the right.
Now after each thing you put on your tag you will want to activate that bottom layer and then crop to selection.
I added the following elements to my tag: Element 18 (just copy and paste and move up),
Element 3 (I just copied and pasted) Element 6 (Again just copied and pasted). Just make sure your mask layer is on the top!
Next copy and paste your tube of choice and move around to where you like it. Again click on that bottom layer Selections> Select All then click on your tube layer to activate it Image> Crop to canvas size.
Once happy with where everything is and you cropped everything to canvas size layers> Merge Merge Visible.
What I did next was Layers> New Raster Layer Selections> Select All Modify Contract 8
Selections> Invert and I used the blue from Mythical's color palette and flood filled my frame. Selections> Select None. I then duplicated it Adjust Blur Gaussian Blur 3.00 Layers> Merge Merge Visible.
All that is left is to put your ©Copyright Info License# and Name. With the name I did use Alien Skin Xenofex 2 Constellation but you might not want too so the choice is yours.
Hope you all have a wonderful Holiday Season
Hugs, Staci
Sunday, December 11, 2011
FTU-Lights and Dreams
FTU-Lights and Dreams
Tube of Choice- I am using Red Holly by Renee Lavoie! You can find this and other great tubes
at PSP Tube Stop
Kit Used Des lumières et des rêves. It is a BEAUTIFUL FTU kit that you can download at Imagine
Mask used is MB and SW Mask 15 that you can download at Moonbeams and Spiderwebs
Font used is Pea Eric. It is a FTU font that can be downloaded at kevinandamanda
Open a 700X700 New Image
Open FRg_Des lumieres et des reves_P3 Image> Resize 700X700 and copy and paste as a new layer.
Open MB and SW Mask 15 Layers> New Mask Layer from Image and Scroll down to find your mask and click ok Layers> Merge Merge Group.
Open FRg_Des lumieres et des reves_Trainee d'etoiles Image> Resize 355X650 and copy and paste as a new layer I moved to the left, Layers> Duplicate Image> Mirror/ Flip.
Open FRg_Des lumieres et des reves_Deco 3 Image> Resize 650X526 and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved it to the bottom of the tag, Layers> Duplicate Adjust> Blur Gaussian Blur 3.00 then changed the blend mode to Soft Light Layers> Merge Down.
Open FRg_Des lumieres et des reves_Deco 1 Image> Resize 570X650 and copy and paste as a new layer and move to the left. I then Layers> Duplicate Adjust> Blur Gaussian Blur 3.00 then changed the blend mode to Soft Light Layers> Merge Down, Layer> Duplicate Image> Mirror.
Open FRg_Des lumieres et des reves_Guirlande boules Image> Resize 650X182 and copy and paste as a new layer. I move this up to the topy of the frame, Layers> Duplicate
Adjust> Blur Gaussian Blur 3.00 then changed the blend mode to Soft Light Layers> Merge Down.
Open your tube and copy and paste as a new layer and move to the bottom of the tag.
Layers> Duplicate Adjust> Blur Gaussian Blur 3.00 Change Blend Mode to Soft Light and
Layers> Merge Merge down.
Open FRg_Des lumieres et des reves_Doodle 7, Image> Resize 97X300 and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved this to the right and up so it looks like it is hanging from the frame.
Once you are happy with your placement Layers> Merge Visible.
Add your © Copyright Info and Name and you are done!
Thanks and Hugs, Staci
Friday, December 9, 2011
PTU-Mistletoe Magic
PTU-Mistletoe Magic
Tube of choice- I am using the artwork of Ismael Rac. You can purchase this and other
great tubes at his store XeracX
Scrapkit used- I am using the Beautiful kit by Angel's Designz called Mistletoe Magic
(Thanks Kelly). You can purchase this and other great kits at Digi Fox's Studio
Filter used is Mura's Meister Copies (Encircle). You can download this filter HERE
Font used is Girls are Weird. It is a FTU font and can be downloaded at DaFont
Mask used is MB and SW Mask 14 and can be downloaded at Moonbeams and Spiderwebs
Open a 700X700 New Image Transparent
Open paper of choice (I used AD_Paper9) and copy and paste as a new layer.
Open your mask and Layers> New Mask Layer Scroll down to find your mask and hit ok.
I then opened AD_Snow then clicked back on my mask layer, Selections> Select All
Float/Defloat copy and pasted the snow Selections> Invert and hit the delete key
once on my keyboard.
Open AD_Mistletoe Image> Resize 50% and copy and paste as a new layer. Image> Flip
and then I applied Mura's Meister Copies Encircle changing the top layer to 5 and
hit ok.
Open AD_Poinsetta and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved it up to the upper left hand corner and then duplicated and moved to the lower right hand corner.
Open AD_Splat and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved to the upper left hand corner
and duplicated and moved to the lower right hand corner. Merge these two layers together and move under your mask layer.
Open AD_Frame1 Image> Rotate Left and copy and paste as a new layer. With your magic wand, click on the inside of your frame, Selections> Modify Expand 10 Open paper of choice (I used the same paper as my mask)Click the layer below your frame layer and copy and paste as a new layer Selections> Invert and hit the delete key once on your keyboard.
With your frame layer active, Open your tube and copy and paste as a new layer.
Open AD_Snow 2 Image> Resize 50% and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved it down to cover my tubes legs.
Open AD_Hanging Ornaments Image> Resize 75% and copy and paste as a new layer. I put it so look like they are hanging from the top of the frame and move below your tube layer.
Open AD_Lights and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved these so they were on top of the frame.
Open AD_Wordart2 and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved this toward the bottom of the tag.
Open AD_CatonBauble Image> Resize 50% and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved this to the M in Magic.
Open AD_Stocking and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved it so it looks like it is hanging from the upper right hand side of the frame. Move this layer to the top of the frame layer, Duplicate and move the duplicate layer to the top layer. With your eraser tool erase to the bulbs and lights are showing and the star from the tube is showing.
Once happy with everything Layers> Merge Visible. I like my tags at 600X600 so I resized.
Add your ©copyright Info and name and that is it! Did you know if you Merge Visible and
save as a PNG you get no white background?
Thanks for trying out my tut!
Hugs, Staci
Tube of choice- I am using the artwork of Ismael Rac. You can purchase this and other
great tubes at his store XeracX
Scrapkit used- I am using the Beautiful kit by Angel's Designz called Mistletoe Magic
(Thanks Kelly). You can purchase this and other great kits at Digi Fox's Studio
Filter used is Mura's Meister Copies (Encircle). You can download this filter HERE
Font used is Girls are Weird. It is a FTU font and can be downloaded at DaFont
Mask used is MB and SW Mask 14 and can be downloaded at Moonbeams and Spiderwebs
Open a 700X700 New Image Transparent
Open paper of choice (I used AD_Paper9) and copy and paste as a new layer.
Open your mask and Layers> New Mask Layer Scroll down to find your mask and hit ok.
I then opened AD_Snow then clicked back on my mask layer, Selections> Select All
Float/Defloat copy and pasted the snow Selections> Invert and hit the delete key
once on my keyboard.
Open AD_Mistletoe Image> Resize 50% and copy and paste as a new layer. Image> Flip
and then I applied Mura's Meister Copies Encircle changing the top layer to 5 and
hit ok.
Open AD_Poinsetta and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved it up to the upper left hand corner and then duplicated and moved to the lower right hand corner.
Open AD_Splat and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved to the upper left hand corner
and duplicated and moved to the lower right hand corner. Merge these two layers together and move under your mask layer.
Open AD_Frame1 Image> Rotate Left and copy and paste as a new layer. With your magic wand, click on the inside of your frame, Selections> Modify Expand 10 Open paper of choice (I used the same paper as my mask)Click the layer below your frame layer and copy and paste as a new layer Selections> Invert and hit the delete key once on your keyboard.
With your frame layer active, Open your tube and copy and paste as a new layer.
Open AD_Snow 2 Image> Resize 50% and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved it down to cover my tubes legs.
Open AD_Hanging Ornaments Image> Resize 75% and copy and paste as a new layer. I put it so look like they are hanging from the top of the frame and move below your tube layer.
Open AD_Lights and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved these so they were on top of the frame.
Open AD_Wordart2 and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved this toward the bottom of the tag.
Open AD_CatonBauble Image> Resize 50% and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved this to the M in Magic.
Open AD_Stocking and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved it so it looks like it is hanging from the upper right hand side of the frame. Move this layer to the top of the frame layer, Duplicate and move the duplicate layer to the top layer. With your eraser tool erase to the bulbs and lights are showing and the star from the tube is showing.
Once happy with everything Layers> Merge Visible. I like my tags at 600X600 so I resized.
Add your ©copyright Info and name and that is it! Did you know if you Merge Visible and
save as a PNG you get no white background?
Thanks for trying out my tut!
Hugs, Staci
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
FTU-Lovely Mermaid
FTU-Lovely Mermaid
I am using the AWESOME artwork of April Story! You can purchase this and other GREAT artwork at PSP Tube Stop
Scrap kit used is called Sovereign Hearts by Digicats (and Dogs)
Font used is called Twilight and you can download at FFonts
Open a 700X700 New Image
Open your tube and copy and paste as a new layer.
Layers> Duplicate and on the top layer Image> Blur Gaussian Blur 3 and change the
Blend to softlight. Layers> Merge Merge Down.
Open DCD_SoHeS_Frame06 and copy and paste as a new layer. Move this below your tube and with your pick tool scoot the left side in so it looks like the mermaid is in the
frame. Change to your magic wand and click inside the frame, Selections> Modify Expand 5, Open DCD_SoHeS_Paper11 and copy and paste as a new layer Selections> Invert and hit the delete key once on your keyboard. Move this below your frame Layer.
Open DCD_SoHeS_DoodleFlower01 Image> Mirror and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved it up and to the left under the tube layer.
Open DCD_SoHeS_Emo Skull Image> Resize 50% and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved it down and to the right on top of the tube layer.
Open DCD_SoHeS_Scrap Heart and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved up and to the right. Layers> Duplicate and move down and to the right. Once happy with where it is Merge them together and move below your paper layer. Layers> Merge Visible.
I like my tags at 600X600 so I resized it added my © Copyright info and name!
I hope you enjoy this tut and I hope you visit PSP Tube Stop and check out all of the great artwork there!
Hugs, Staci
I am using the AWESOME artwork of April Story! You can purchase this and other GREAT artwork at PSP Tube Stop
Scrap kit used is called Sovereign Hearts by Digicats (and Dogs)
Font used is called Twilight and you can download at FFonts
Open a 700X700 New Image
Open your tube and copy and paste as a new layer.
Layers> Duplicate and on the top layer Image> Blur Gaussian Blur 3 and change the
Blend to softlight. Layers> Merge Merge Down.
Open DCD_SoHeS_Frame06 and copy and paste as a new layer. Move this below your tube and with your pick tool scoot the left side in so it looks like the mermaid is in the
frame. Change to your magic wand and click inside the frame, Selections> Modify Expand 5, Open DCD_SoHeS_Paper11 and copy and paste as a new layer Selections> Invert and hit the delete key once on your keyboard. Move this below your frame Layer.
Open DCD_SoHeS_DoodleFlower01 Image> Mirror and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved it up and to the left under the tube layer.
Open DCD_SoHeS_Emo Skull Image> Resize 50% and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved it down and to the right on top of the tube layer.
Open DCD_SoHeS_Scrap Heart and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved up and to the right. Layers> Duplicate and move down and to the right. Once happy with where it is Merge them together and move below your paper layer. Layers> Merge Visible.
I like my tags at 600X600 so I resized it added my © Copyright info and name!
I hope you enjoy this tut and I hope you visit PSP Tube Stop and check out all of the great artwork there!
Hugs, Staci
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Tube of Choice- I am using the artwork of Ismael Rac! You can purchase this tube or other wonderful tubes at his store XERACX
Scrap Kit used- I am using Angel's Designz Frost Berry! Thank You so much Kelly!!!!
You can purchase this kit and others at Digi Fox's Studio
Filter used is Mura's Meister Copies. You can download here
Font used is LDJ Jilly Nilly. It is FTU and you can download at Fonts 101
Open a 700X700 New Image.
Open AD_Flower1 and copy and paste as a new layer
Effects> Mura's Meister Copies On the scroll down bar under the picture find Encircle
Once found change the Number (Upper Right) to 3 and hit OK.
Open AD_Flower2 and copy and paste as a new layer. Put the same Mura's Meister
Encircle on this flower and hit ok. Image> Flip and Merge Down.
Selections> Select All Float/ Defloat Open AD_Snow and copy and paste as a new layer
Selections> Invert and making sure you are on the snow layer hit the delete button
once on your keyboard.
Open your tube and copy and paste as a new layer.
Open AD_Filmstrip and copy and paste as a new layer. Move to bottom of the tag and move the tube so it looks like it is sitting on it.
With your magic Wand hold down your shift button and click on the inside of all 4 frames
Selections> Modify Expand 2 and copy and paste AD_Paper14 as a new layer. Selections>
Invert and hit the delete key once on your keyboard. Select None. Move below your frame.
I used the 3 different snowflakes in the kit resized 50% to decorate the frame, You might to do something different and I say You Go! On top of the frame I used the AD_Wordart.
You can either used a gradient glow of change the color of your drop shadow how ever you feel comfortable doing it.
Open AD_Holly an copy and paste as a new layer. I moved behind the tube and up and left.
Open AD_Lights and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved behind the tube and toward the top of the tag.
Open AD_Reindeer Image> Mirror and copy and paste as a new layer. Again behind the tube and I just moved it to the left.
Open AD_Tree and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved behind the tube and to the right.
That is it! Once you are happy with everything Layers> Merge Visible.
What I did Resize to 600X600 added my © copyright info and added a name.
I hope you enjoy this tut. This is a great kit to work with! So many options!
Hugs, Staci
Tube of Choice- I am using the artwork of Ismael Rac! You can purchase this tube or other wonderful tubes at his store XERACX
Scrap Kit used- I am using Angel's Designz Frost Berry! Thank You so much Kelly!!!!
You can purchase this kit and others at Digi Fox's Studio
Filter used is Mura's Meister Copies. You can download here
Font used is LDJ Jilly Nilly. It is FTU and you can download at Fonts 101
Open a 700X700 New Image.
Open AD_Flower1 and copy and paste as a new layer
Effects> Mura's Meister Copies On the scroll down bar under the picture find Encircle
Once found change the Number (Upper Right) to 3 and hit OK.
Open AD_Flower2 and copy and paste as a new layer. Put the same Mura's Meister
Encircle on this flower and hit ok. Image> Flip and Merge Down.
Selections> Select All Float/ Defloat Open AD_Snow and copy and paste as a new layer
Selections> Invert and making sure you are on the snow layer hit the delete button
once on your keyboard.
Open your tube and copy and paste as a new layer.
Open AD_Filmstrip and copy and paste as a new layer. Move to bottom of the tag and move the tube so it looks like it is sitting on it.
With your magic Wand hold down your shift button and click on the inside of all 4 frames
Selections> Modify Expand 2 and copy and paste AD_Paper14 as a new layer. Selections>
Invert and hit the delete key once on your keyboard. Select None. Move below your frame.
I used the 3 different snowflakes in the kit resized 50% to decorate the frame, You might to do something different and I say You Go! On top of the frame I used the AD_Wordart.
You can either used a gradient glow of change the color of your drop shadow how ever you feel comfortable doing it.
Open AD_Holly an copy and paste as a new layer. I moved behind the tube and up and left.
Open AD_Lights and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved behind the tube and toward the top of the tag.
Open AD_Reindeer Image> Mirror and copy and paste as a new layer. Again behind the tube and I just moved it to the left.
Open AD_Tree and copy and paste as a new layer. I moved behind the tube and to the right.
That is it! Once you are happy with everything Layers> Merge Visible.
What I did Resize to 600X600 added my © copyright info and added a name.
I hope you enjoy this tut. This is a great kit to work with! So many options!
Hugs, Staci
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