Wednesday, October 22, 2014



Tube of Choice-Iam using the GORGEOUS artwork of Anna Marine.  You can
purchase this and other STUNNING artwork at CDO.

Scrapkit used-I am using the Lovely scrapkit called Burlesque by Monti's Scraps
(Thank You so much Monti!  I LOVE this kit!  So many different ideas for a tag!)
You can purchase this and other BEAUTIFUL scrapkits at CDO.

Font used is a FTU Font called Mademoiselle Camille.


Open an 800X250 Transparent New Image.

Open Paper9 and copy and paste as a New Image.  Activate your bottom layer,
Selections Select All, Activate your paper layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Element5 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Activate your bottom layer,
Selections Select All, Activate your corset layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Element6 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the left hand side
and moved below the first corset layer.  Image Flip.  Activate your bottom layer,
Selections Select All, Activate your second corset layer, Image Crop to Selection.
Layer duplicate, Image Mirror.  I then merged the corset layers together.

Open your tube and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the right hand
side of the tag.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your 
tube layer, Image Crop to Selection.  Layers Duplicate.  On that top duplicate layer,
Adjust, Blur, Gaussian Blur 3.00. and change the Blend Mode to Blur.

Open Frame2 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Image Rotate Free Rotate To The Right Free 45.00 and
Hit OK.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your Frame 
layer, Image Crop to Selection.

With your Top Tube layer active, Open Element60 and copy and paste as a New 
Layer.  I moved so it was swirling around to face.  Activate your bottom layer,
Selections Select All, Activate your fairy dust layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Element45 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved behind the frame 
layer and down so it is peaking out behind the frame on the left and down.  Activate 
your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your red rose layer, Image Crop 
to Selection.

Open Element44 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved in front of the red 
rose Layer and up.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your 
Black Rose layer, Image Crop to Selection.

With the very top layer active, Open Paper1 and copy and paste as a New Layer.
Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your top paper layer, 
Image Crop to Selection.  Selections Select All, Selections Modify Contract 3, Hit 
OK.  Now hit the Delete Key once on your keyboard.  Selections Select None.

Open WordArt2, Image Resize 230X57 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I 
moved to the upper right.  Now comes the fun part!  With your freehand Selection
Tool, draw around the lights.  Add a New Raster layer  and flood fill with White and
move below the word art.  Selections, Select None.

At this point Add your ©copyright information and Name.

hand side of the tag.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

PTU - My Immortal

PTU - My Immortal Timeline

Tube of Choice - I am using the GORGEOUS Artwork of Ted Hammond.  You can
purchase this and other STUNNING Artwork at CDO.

Scrap Kit used is called Immortal by Hungry Hill (OMG Alison!  Thank You so much
for allowing me to use this BEAUTIFUL kit!) You can purchase this kit and other LOVELY kits at CDO.

Font used is a FTU font called Undergone.

Filter used is Xero Bad Dreams.


Open an 851X315 Transparent New Image

Open your tube of choice and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved mine down
so you could soo the face LOL but left her in the middle.  Activate your bottom layer,
Selections Select All, Activate your tube layer, Image Crop to Selection.  Layers
Duplicate.  Move the Duplicated layer under the original and Adjust Blur Gaussian 
Blur 3.00.  On the original tube layer, Effects Plugins Xero Bad Dream and I used
what was there (Softness and Strength at 128 and the rest at 0).

Open paper-3 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Move below your tube layers.
Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your paper layer, Image
Crop to Selection.

Activate your moon layer and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Move up into the
upper left hand corner.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate 
your moon layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open the drape layer and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Move into the upper 
left hand corner of the tag. Layers Duplicate, Image Mirror. Layers Merge, Merge
Down.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your drape layer, 
Image Crop to Selection.

With your paper layer active, Open castle-mist and copy and paste as a New Layer.
I moved this down and to the right.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select 
All, Activate your castle-mist layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open birds. Image Resize 400X223 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved 
to the right hand side of the tag.

Open candles and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Move under tube layer and down
so it looks like flames are coming up from the bottom of the tag.  Activate your 
bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your candle layer, Image Crop to 

Open tree and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved behind the candle layer
and to the right a bit.  Layers Duplicate and on the original layer Adjust Blur Gaussian
Blur 3.00. Activate the top tree layer and Layers Merge Merge Down.  Activate your 
bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your tree layer, Image Crop to Selection.

With your top layer active, Open WordArt, Image Resize 600X176 and copy and 
paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the bottom right hand side of the tag.  

Layers Merge, Merge Visible.  I added a small frame so Layers, New Raster layer
and flood fill with a dark color.  Selections Select All, Selections Modify Contract
3 and hit the delete key once on your keyboard.  Selections Select None.  Layers
Duplicate and Adjust Blur Gaussian Blur 3.00.

Add your ©copyright info (remember no URL due to facebook rules) and Licencing
Information.  Add a Name and your are all done!
