Tuesday, January 22, 2013



Close up Tube of Choice-I am using a Christmas Gift from Barbara Jensen,
But you can use any close up tube.

Scrapkit used is called Evening in Paris by Hungry Hill *Gorgeous, Gorgeous
kit my Alison!*.  You can purchase this and other BEAUTIFUL kits at

Font used is a FTU font called Can't write quickly in Winter.


Open a 600X250 Transparent New Image.

Open paper-3 Image Rotate Left/Right 90 degrees. Copy and paste as a
New Layer.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate
your paper layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open your tube and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the left
hand side of the tag.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All,
Activate your tube layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open frame-2 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the left and
under the tube layer.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All,
Activate your frame layer, Image Crop to Selection.

With your Magic Wand click on the inside of your frame layer, Selections
Modify Expand 10, Open WA-2 and copy and paste as a New Layer Selections
Invert and hit the delete key once on your keyboard.  Selections Select
None.  Move this below the Frame Layer.

Open moon, Image Resize 258X349 and copy and paste as a new Layer. I
moved this to the right hand side of the tag and just above the frame
layer.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate
your moon layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open doodle-1 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved it so it was
on top of the moon layer and I used the bottom part of the doodle.
Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate
your doodle 1 layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open doodle-2 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved it below the
tube layer and to the left.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections
Select All, Activate your doodle 2 layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open glitter-spill Image Resize 600X385 and copy and paste as a New Layer.
I moved this down above the moon layer.  Activate your bottom layer,
Selections Select All, Activate your glitter layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open Gaetan's-tower, Image Resize 466X700 and copy and paste as a New
Layer  I moved to the right hand side of the tag and played around to
where I liked the tower at.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections
Select All, Activate your tower layer, Image Crop to Selection.

With your top layer active, Open paper-5 and copy and paste as a New Layer.
Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate
your top paper layer, Image Crop to Selection.  Selections Select All
Selections Modify Contract 4 and hit the delete key once on your
keyboard.  Selections Select None.

Add your ©copyright information and Name.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

PTU-Sweet Little Lies

PTU-Sweet Little Lies

Tube of choice-I am using the Christmas Gift from Barbara Jensen but
any of her Gorgeous tubes will work.  You can purchase her tubes at
Barbara Jensen Tubes.

Scrap Kit used is Hungry Hill's Sweet Little Lies *Thank You so much
Alison!!!  GORGEOUS kit!!!*  You can purchase this and other kits at
Scraps and the City.

Font used is a FTU font called Dazzling Divas.


Open a Transparent 800X700 Transparent New Image.

Open your tube and copy and paste as a New Layer.

Open frame-3 Image Rotate 90 degrees either left or right.  Image Resize
730X600 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Move this below your tube
layer and move to where it will hide the upper part of the leg.  Layers
Duplicate and move this to the top of the tube layer.  With your eraser
tool, erase the part of the frame covering the shoes.  We will be using
the eraser tool a lot with this tutorial.

Activate your bottom frame layer and with your magic wand click on the
inside of the frame, Selections Modify Expand 10, Open paper-2 and copy
and paste as a New Layer.  Move below the bottom frame layer.  I moved
the paper up a bit to get some of the design inside the frame.  Selections
Invert and hit the delete key once on your keyboard. Selections Select

With your paper layer active, open doodle-1 and copy and paste as a New
Layer.  I moved down a bit and to the right so you could see the big
circle part on the right hand side of the paper.  Layers Duplicate Image
Mirror/Flip and move to where you like it.  Merge the 2 doodle layers
together and add a drop shadow.  Activate your paper layer, Selections
Select All Float/Defloat Selections Invert, Activate the doodle layer
and hit the delete key once on your keyboard Selections Select None.
Now do me a favor and go Selections Select All, If the "marching ants"
are not going at the top and bottom of the tag you need to activate the
bottom layer Selections Select All, Activate the doodle layer Image Crop
to Selection.  That way when you are done with the tag you wont have
weird doodle sticking out in weird places.

Open doodle-3 Image Resize 600X301 and copy and paste as a New Layer.
I moved to the bottom left hand side of the tag and moved under the
paper layer.  Add a drop shadow.  Layers Duplicate Image Mirror/Flip.

Open fern-frond Image Resize 435X500 and copy and paste as a New Layer.
I moved to the right side of the frame and under the tube layer.  With
the top frame layer active, activate your eraser tool and erase the right
part of the frame so the fern will show.  Add a drop shadow to the fern.

Open flower-1 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to just under
the paper layer and up so you can see it under the top part of the frame.
Add a drop shadow.  Layers Duplicate Image Mirror/Flip.

Open gold-leaf Image Resize 300X341 and copy and paste as a New Layer.
I moved under the tube layer and to the right on top of the fern layer.
Add a drop shadow.

Open flower-2 Image Resize 300X250 and copy and paste as a New layer.
I moved down under the tube layer and to the left onto the 2 leaves.
Add a drop shadow.

Open wrap-1 Image Resize 600X364 and copy and paste as a New Layer. I
moved under the tube layer and to the left and down on the frame.
Activate the top frame layer and activate your eraser tool and erase
the left side of the frame so the ribbon shows.

Layers Merge Merge Visible.

Add your ©copyright and Licensing information and name.

PTU-Let It Rain

PTU-Let it Rain

Tube of Choice-I am using the artwork of Hannah Lynn.  You can purchase
this and other BEAUTIFUL artwork at CDO.

Scrapkit used is Let It Rain by Crazy Carita *Thank You so much Carita!
This kit is GORGEOUS!*.  You can purchase this and other WONDERFUL Scrap
Kits at CDO.

Font used is a FTU font called James Han.


Open a 800X700 Transparent New Image.

Open your tube and copy and paste as a New Layer.  This tube came with
2 options, I chose the one that showed all the gardening.

Open fr2 Image Rotate 90 degrees Left and copy and paste as a New Layer.
Move this below the tube layer and down so the tube is in the frame.

With your magic wand click on the inside of your frame, Selections
Modify Expand 10, Open pp3 and copy and paste as a New Layer, Selections
Invert and hit the delete key once on your keyboard.  Selections Select
None.  Move the paper layer below the frame layer.

Open el2 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved below the paper
layer and to the right so it is in the middle of the frame.

Open el15 (or el15sh) and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the
upper left hand side of the frame and below the paper layer.

Open el16 Image Flip and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the
bottom of the frame and moved below the paper layer.

Open el17 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved down to the bottom
left hand side of the frame and below the paper layer.

Open el21 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved up so it a little
behind the tubes head.  Move this below the paper layer.

Open el23 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved up and to the right
of el21 and moved below this flower layer.

Add a drop shadow to all your elements and tube.

Open el20 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the upper part
of the tag and moved down to the bottom layer.

Open el22 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the upper left
hand side of the tag and moved to the bottom layer.  Layers Duplicate,
then move to the bottom right hand side of the tag.

Add your ©copyright and Licensing information and Name.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

FTU-Step into my World

FTU- Step into my world

Tube of Choice- I am using the BEAUTIFUL artwork of Selina Fenech.  You
can purchase this and other Beautiful artwork at CDO.

Font used is a FTU font called Can't write quickly in Winter

Filters used- Mura's Meister-Copies, Greg's Factory Output-Warp, DSB
Flux- Blast and Bright Noise, Tramages-Tow the Line, VM Extravaganza-
Transmission, Distort-Turn Your Inside Outside, Xero Porcelain.


Open a 600X250 Transparent New Image.

Open your tube, (This tube comes with 2 choices, I used the larger wingless
one) Copy and paste as a New Layer.

I used Mura's Meister Copies with the following settings:

With your bottom layer active, Selections Select All, Activate your tube
layer, Image Crop to Selection.

With your tube layer active, I used Greg's Factory Output-Warp with the
following Settings:

Next I used DSB Flux-Blast Left and Right twice each way with the following

Next I used Tramages-Tow the line with the following settings:

Next I used DSB Flux-Blast Left and Right Twice each way with the following

Next I used VM Extravaganza-Transmission with the following Setting:

Next I used DSB Flux-Bright Noise with the following setting:

Next I used DSB Flux-Blast Up and Down once each way with the following

Duplicate this layer.

On the bottom layer, Distort-Turn your Inside Outside with the following

On the top layer, Change your opacity to Hard Light.

Open your tube of choice and copy and paste as a New Layer and move to
where you like it.  I used the same tube and moved town and to the right.

Duplicate your tube and on the bottom tube layer I used Xero-Porcelain
with the following setting:

On the top tube layer I did Adjust Blur Gaussian Blur of 3.00 and changed
the opacity to Burn.

Add a drop shadow to the bottom tube layer.

Add your ©Copyright and Licensing Information and Name.

PTU-The Last Battle

PTU-The Last Battle

Tube of Choice-I am using the BEAUTIFUL artwork of Giada Calo.  You can
purchase this and other BEAUTIFUL artwork at DSI.

Scrapkit used is Greymatters by Whisprd Designz *OMG Melissa!  This kit
is just GORGEOUS!* You can purchase this and other GORGEOUS kit at
Whisprd Designz.

Font used is Fluoxetine.


Open a Transparent 800X700 New Image.

Open your tube and copy and paste as a New Layer. (I chose the 2nd tube
if you use the same one I did). I moved this down a bit on the tag.

Open wd_greymatters_frames(1) and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I lined
up the bottom right hand corner of the frame with the tube and moved
below the tube layer.

Open wd_greymatters_frame(6) and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved
to the left hand side of the tag and below the tube layer.

Open wd_greymatters_frames (3) and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I
moved this down so the bottom right hand inside corner lined up with
the frame.  I then duplicated the tube layer and moved down below this
frame layer and with the top tube layer active, with my eraser tool, I
erased what little bit was hanging over the frame.

Open wd_greymatters_frame(7) and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved
this to the right hand side of the tag and moved down below the bottom
tube layer.

Activate your freehand selection tool and draw along the outside of all
the frames. Open wd_greymatters_papers (14) and copy and paste as a New
Layer.  Move this to the bottom, Selection Invert and hit the delete
key once on your keyboard.  Do Not Deselect Yet.

Open wd_greymatters_elements (30) and copy and paste as a New Layer.
This should be right on top of the paper layer.  Move down slightly so
some is showing. Hit the delete key once on your keyboard.  Selections
Select None.

Open wd_greymatters_elements (10) Image Resize 500X498 and copy and
paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the upper left hand side of the tag
and moved below the paper layer.

Open wd_greymatters_elements (16) and copy and paste as a New Layer.
I moved this to the upper right hand side of the tag so just the top
leaf sticks out.  I then moved below the paper layer. Layers Duplicate
and I moved to the right hand side and down so the right leaf sticks
out.  Use your eraser tool to erase anything slicking out like the stem.

Open we_greymatters_elements (18) and copy and paste as a New Layer.
I moved down and to the right hand side of the tag.  Move below the paper

Open wd_greymatters_elements (34) and copy and paste as a New Layer. I
moved to the upper left hand side of the tag and under the top tube layer.

Open wd_greymatters_elements (24) and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Line
up the bow with the whole in the top of the key.

Open wd_greymatters_elements (11) Image Resize 353X300 and copy and paste
as a New Layer.  I moved to the upper right hand side of the tag and
moved under the top tube layer.

Open wd-greymatters_elements (40) Image Resize 55X300 Adjust Sharpness
Sharpen More and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the right
hand side of the tag and under the rose layer.

Add a dropshadow to all the elements, frames and tube layers.

Layers Merge Merge Visible.

Image Resize 600X525.

Add your ©Copyright and Licensing Information.  Add Name.

Sunday, January 6, 2013



Tube of Choice-I am using the GORGEOUS artwork of Ted Hammond.  You can
purchase this and other artwork at CDO.

Scrapkit used is BAMF by ABSTRACT *OMG Cassie!  I love this kit!  The
colors are GORGEOUS!*  You can purchase this and other great Scrap Kits
at CDO.

Font used is Moonstone.


Open a 700X700 Transparent New Image.

Open your tube and copy and paste as a New Layer.

Open e60 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved down on the tag and
moved below the tube layer.  I moved the tube to look like it was sitting
on the city.

Open e5 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the left hand side
of the tag and below the city layer.

Open e30 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the right hand
side of the tag and below the city layer.

Open e21 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the right hand
side of the tag and below the parental advisory sign.

Open e20 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the right and
below the poker chip layer.

Open e37 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the left and
below the skull layer.

Open e32 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the right and
below the doodle layer.

Open e43 Image Flip and copy and paste as a New Layer. I moved this down
on the tag and below the city layer.

Add a slight Drop Shadow to all the elements and tube.

Layers Merge, Merge Visible.  Image Resize 600X600

Add your ©Copyright and Licensing Information and Name.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Steampunk Love

PTU-Steam Punk Love

Tube of choice-Iam using a GORGEOUS tube by Caron Vinson! You can purchase
this and other great artwork at CDO.

Scrap Kit used is Punk Me by LadyHawwk Designs *OMG Cathy!!!  Great Kit!!!*
You can purchase this and other scrap kits at CDO.

Mask used is Moonbeams and Spiderwebs Forum Mask 28

Font used is Skyliner.


Open a 600X250 Transparent New Image.

Open LHD_PunkMe-Paper1 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Activate the
bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your paper layer, Image
Crop to Selection.

Open LHD_PunkMe-Paper10 and copy and paste as a New Layer. Activate the
bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your top paper layer,
Image Crop to Selection.  Open MB and SW Forum Mask 28, and with your
top paper layer active, Layers New Mask Layer From Image and scroll to
find your mask and hit OK.  Layers Merge Merge Group.

Open your tube and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved mine off center
to the right.  Activate the bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate
your tube layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open LHD_PunkMe-Ele7 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the
bottom right hand side of the tag and below the mask layer.  Activate
the bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your heart layer, Image
Crop to Selection.

Open LHD_PunkMe-Ele8 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved behind
the tube layer. so only the light is showing.  Activate the bottom layer,
Selections Select All, Activate your light post layer, Image Crop to

Open LHD_PunkMe-Ele11 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved up and
behind the tube layer.  Activate the bottom layer, Selections Select All,
Activate your flower layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open LHD_PunkMe-Ele12 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved down to
just under the flower layer and to the left just off center.

Open LHD_PunkMe-Ele13 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved this
to the lower left hand side of the tag and down below the butterfly layer.
Activate the bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your gear
layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open LHD_PunkMe-Ele32 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved this
to the upper left hand side of the tag and below the flower layer.
Activate the bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your glasses
layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Activate your bottom paper layer, Layers Duplicate and Layers Arrange
Bring to Top.  Selections Select All, Selections Modify Contract 4 and
hit the delete key once on your keyboard.  Selections Select None.
Now you can add a heavy drop shadow or what I did is add a New Layer and
used a dark color and blurred.  Here is how I did that. * With the
frame layer active, Selections Select All Selections Float/ Defloat
activate that New Layer and flood fill with a dark color from the tag.
Selections Select None. Move that Dark Frame below the yellow frame.
Adjust Blur Gaussian Blur 3.0*

Layers Merge Merge Visible

Add your ©Copyright and Licensing Information and add name.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

PTU-Vintage Flapper

PTU-Vintage Flapper

Tube of choice-I am using the GORGEOUS artwork of Maxine Gadd.  You can
purchase this and other GORGEOUS artwork at CDO.

Scrapkit used is by LadyHawwk Designs.  It is Inspired by Jessica Dougherty's
tube 40-3 *Love this kit Cathy!  Thank You so much!*  You can purchase
this kit at CDO.

Font used is Moonstone.


Open a 600X250 Transparent New Image.

Open LHD_IB-Dougherty-40-3-Paper7 and copy and paste as a New Layer.
Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your paper
layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open LHD_IB-Dougherty-40-3-Ele16 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I
moved to the left hand side of the tag.  Once happy with your placement
Layer Duplicate Image Mirror/Flip.  Layers Merge Merge down.  Activate
your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your doodle layer,
Image Crop to Selection.

With your paper layer active, Open LHD_IB-Dougherty-40-3-Ele18 and copy
and paste as a New Layer.  Activate your bottom layer, Selections
Select All, Activate your snow layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open LHD-IB-Dougherty-40-3-Frame2 and copy and paste as a New Layer.
Activate your bottom layer, Selections Select All, Activate your frame
layer, Image Crop to Selection.

With your frame layer active and using your Magic Wand Tool, Click on
the inside of your frame.  Selections Modify Expand 10.  Open
LHD_IB-Dougherty-40-3-Ele5 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Move
below the frame layer and with this mirror layer active, Selections
Invert and hit the delete key once on your keyboard.  Selections Select

Open your tube and copy and paste as a New Layer.  Activate your bottom
layer, Selections Select All, Activate your tube layer, Image Crop to
Open LHD_IB-Dougherty-40-3-Ele12 and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I
moved this up and to the left so the biggest/longest loop was to the left
of the frame.  Layers Duplicate Image Mirror.  Layers Merge Merge Down.
I moved this to just above the snow layer.  Activate your bottom layer,
Selections Select All, Activate your ribbon layer, Image Crop to Selection.

Open LHD_IB-Dougherty-40-3-Ele19 Image Mirror. Adjust Sharpness Sharpen
More and copy and paste as a New Layer.  I moved to the bottom left of
the tag amd moved to just above the snow layer.  Activate your bottom
layer, Selections Select All, Activate your charm layer, Image Crop to

Layers Merge, Merge Visible.  Add your ©copyright and License Information.
Add Name.