Saturday, January 12, 2013

FTU-Step into my World

FTU- Step into my world

Tube of Choice- I am using the BEAUTIFUL artwork of Selina Fenech.  You
can purchase this and other Beautiful artwork at CDO.

Font used is a FTU font called Can't write quickly in Winter

Filters used- Mura's Meister-Copies, Greg's Factory Output-Warp, DSB
Flux- Blast and Bright Noise, Tramages-Tow the Line, VM Extravaganza-
Transmission, Distort-Turn Your Inside Outside, Xero Porcelain.


Open a 600X250 Transparent New Image.

Open your tube, (This tube comes with 2 choices, I used the larger wingless
one) Copy and paste as a New Layer.

I used Mura's Meister Copies with the following settings:

With your bottom layer active, Selections Select All, Activate your tube
layer, Image Crop to Selection.

With your tube layer active, I used Greg's Factory Output-Warp with the
following Settings:

Next I used DSB Flux-Blast Left and Right twice each way with the following

Next I used Tramages-Tow the line with the following settings:

Next I used DSB Flux-Blast Left and Right Twice each way with the following

Next I used VM Extravaganza-Transmission with the following Setting:

Next I used DSB Flux-Bright Noise with the following setting:

Next I used DSB Flux-Blast Up and Down once each way with the following

Duplicate this layer.

On the bottom layer, Distort-Turn your Inside Outside with the following

On the top layer, Change your opacity to Hard Light.

Open your tube of choice and copy and paste as a New Layer and move to
where you like it.  I used the same tube and moved town and to the right.

Duplicate your tube and on the bottom tube layer I used Xero-Porcelain
with the following setting:

On the top tube layer I did Adjust Blur Gaussian Blur of 3.00 and changed
the opacity to Burn.

Add a drop shadow to the bottom tube layer.

Add your ©Copyright and Licensing Information and Name.


  1. Um I think you put some of your screenshots in the wrong place, plus the first two times you show using the DBS Flux, Blast, you say to do it left and right but both screenshots show downward. So this is like really confusing.

  2. I mean Really ya got be so picky Melissa? or is it so damn hard for you to see this is NOT a complete FOLLOW me tut, it's an example of what you can do NOT what you HAVE to do!

  3. Why you gotta be so bitchy Carla? Can't you see it's a simple statement that lots of other people have mentioned in the group as well.

  4. I am sorry...I put the pics there to show the numbers used...I thought with me telling you left/right that was explained...

  5. Um, not for nothing but I thought this was a GREAT tutorial-not sure why other people are complaining-last time I checked, tutorial writers were doing this for free and for the PSP community-thank you VERY MUCH for an awesome tut!!!!! :-)
