Wednesday, September 28, 2011

PTU- Hunter or Hunted

Hunter or Hunted?

Tube of choice.  I used a BEAUTIFUL tube by Camilla Drakenborg called Darkling and you can buy it at UYA

Scrapkit used is by Scottish Butterfly and called Gothic Scrap.  Thank You Heidi!  You can purchase this kit at Digi Fox's Studio

Mask of Choice.  I used Artmama Mask 11 You can download this mask and others at Artmama's Studio.  Miss you Artmama!

Font of Choice.  I used Angelic War.  It is a FTU font over at DaFont


Let's get started!

Open a 700X700 Transparent new image.

Open Paper5 and copy and paste as a new layer.

Open your Mask Layers> New Mask Layer From Image...Scroll down to find your mask Invert Mask Data Unchecked and hit OK.

Open Frame Image> Resize 650X638 and copy and paste as a new layer.

With your magic wand tool (Add(Shift) RGB Value Tolerance/Feather 0 Contiguous and Anti-alias checked Outside Click in the middle of your frame.  Selecions> Modify Expand 5 and copy and paste Paper8 and a new layer Selections> Invert and hit the delete button once on your keyboard.

Copy and paste BloodSplatter1 as a new layer and hit delete on your keyboard.  I duplicated this layer and did Adjust> Blur Gaussian Blur 3.00

Copy and paste Wirefence 2 as a new layer and hit delete on your keyboard.  I duplicated this layer and did Adjust> Blur Gaussian Blur 3.00  Selections> Select None.

Open your tube and copy and paste as a new layer.  I duplicated my tube so one layer was above the frame and one layer was below the frame.  I then carefully used the reaser tool to erase the extra parts of the tube that were showing.

Open Arrow (2) and copy and Paste as a new layer.  Position toward the bottom of your tag and when happy with it Layers>Duplicate Adjust> Blur Gaussian Blur 3.00 Layers> Merge Down Layers> Duplicate Image> Flip Image> Mirror.

Open Bow Image> Resize  200X216 and copy and paste as a new layer.  I moved it up and to the left.  I then duplicated the layer and put the gaussian blur on it and then merged down.

Open Heart4 Image> Resize 50X47 and copy and paste as a new layer.  Move over so it is on top of the bow.

Open Ivy and copy and paste as a new layer.  I moved it up so there was a little something over my tubes head and then moved down so it is above the arrow layers.

Open Candels Image> Resize 200X200 and copy and paste as a new layer.  I moved this down and to the left.

Open CandleSkull and copy and paste as a new layer.  I moved this down and to the right.

Open Mist Image> Resize 300X300 and copy and paste as a new layer.  I moved it down over the candle layer so it looked like they just got blown out.  I duplicated it and moved over the CandleSkull.

Open Cross and copy and paste as a new layer.  I moved it to the left so it was over the candles.

This part is optional because it is kinda hard and I don't know if I can explain it well enough for you.

Open Mirror Image> Resize 256X500 and copy and paste as a new layer.  Image> Mirror and move it to the right and below your candleSkull layer. Open your tube and with your pick tool rotate it so the face will be in your mirror.  I then lowered the opacity of the tube so I could see the mirror and made sure the face was in the mirror and used my eraser tool to erase the excess tube.  I then brought the opacity of my tube back up to 100.  I duplicated the face put on my gaussian blur and changed the blend mode to soft light.  I then used my Soften Brush around the edges and then lowered the opacity to around 79.

Once you are happy with where everything is positioned Layers> Merge Merge Visible.
Put on your ©copyright information and name and you are all done.

I hope you enjoyed this tut and perhaps learned something new.
Hugs, Staci

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Warriors in Pink

That is what you all are that are battling Breast Cancer...You are my Warriors in Pink.
Please if you haven't yet please visit the Susan G. Komen site and see what you can do to help in the fight.  Please leave me a note that you got the template and I would LOVE to see what you all do with it!
Hugs, Staci

Warriors in Pink

Friday, September 23, 2011

In The Pink Template

Hi Everyone!  This Template is for Breast Cancer Awareness and hopefully I will have more to come.  Please leave me some love when downloading so I know to make more.
Hugs, Staci

In The Pink

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Something Wicked This Way Comes-PTU

PTU Something Wicked This Way Comes

Tube of Choice - I used a Beautiful tube by Selina Fenech.  You can buy this one and others at CDO.

Scrap kit used - Feeling Grunge by DigiMania

Mask of Choice - I used Vix_Mask393 you can download this one at her site VixPSP.

Drip Filter - I used Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Nature Drip and you can download this filter HERE.

Fonts of Choice - I used 2 FTU fonts.  The wordart font is Sick Capital Vice and for the name I used Rat Infested Mailbox.

The Moon is clipart by Mythical Designs.


Let's get started with a New Image 700X700 Transparent.

Open DigiMania-Feeling Grunge-Paper7 and copy and paste as a new layer.

Layers>New Mask Layer From Image...Scroll down and find your Vix_Mask393 making sure that
Invert mask data is not checked and hit OK.  Layers>Merge Merge Group.  Layers> Duplicate
Open DigiMania-FeelingGrunge-Paper9 and copy and paste as a new layer.  Repeat your mask
layer Adjust> Blur Gaussian Blur 3.00 and change the Blend Mode to Soft Light.

At this point you can add your moon.  If you use Mythical Designs Moon Script you need to
Image> Resize to 300X300.

Open DigiMania-Feeling Grunge-Arch and copy and paste as a new layer.  Move to the right.  Once
happy with it Duplicate and on the top layer Adjust> Blur Gaussian Blur 3.00.

Copy and Paste your tube of choice.

Open DigiMania-Feeling Grunge-OpenBook  Image>Resize 200X123 and copy and paste as a new layer.
Move down and to the right.

Open DigiMania-FeelingGrunge-Jewel and copy and paste as a new layer.  Move up and to the left.

Open DigiMania-Feeling Grunge-Skull Image>Resize 111X36 and copy and paste as a new layer.
Move to the bottom right.

Open DigiMania-Feeling Grunge-Symbol and copy and paste as a new layer. Move down a bit.  Once
you are happy with placement Layer>Duplicate and Adjust>Blur Gaussian Blur 3.00

What I did next was do text on a curve and made my wordart.  I then Selections>Select all
Float/Defloat Modify expand by 2 and on the layer below the curve text added a new layer and flood filled
with a color from the moon and then added the drip layer.  I used the setting of Small Streak but play
around to see what looks best to you.

Once happy with everything Layers> Merge Merge Visible. I resized to 600X600.
Add you © copyright info License # and name and you are done!

I Thank You for checking out my tutorial.  I hope you use it as a guideline.
Hugs, Staci

Monday, September 19, 2011

FTU-Samhain Scrap Kit

Hi everyone!  I have a new kit I have been working on Called Samhain.
I hope you like it and if you happen to use it in a tut or a tag I would love to see it
and post it here!
Remember to leave some love when downloading so I know you got it!
Hugs, Staci


Friday, September 16, 2011

BNB Witching Season Blog Train

WOOHOO!  New blogtrain has left the station!  Make sure you pick up our part over at
Spirit & Scraps!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

PTU-Bleeding Heart

PTU-Bleeding Heart

Choice of tube.  I used The Monarchs by Susan McKivergan and it can be purchased at Up Your Art.

Scrap kit I used is by Hungry Hill called Whatza Ghoul to do? and can be purchased at either Digi Fox Studios or Wilma4Ever.

Mask-Use a mask that is round LOL  I used Vix_Mask 363 and you can download at VixPSP.

Font of choice.  I used a FTU font called Rage by kevinandamanda.


Open a 700X700 New Transparent Image

Open frame-2 Image> Resize 600X574 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.

Open paper-11 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer, move below your frame layer and apply your mask.
What I did was to use the pick tool to make the mask a little bigger.  You can do this now or wait till
you are finished with the tag but before merging everything.

Open glimmers and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  I did the mask on here too but that is your choice.

Open moon Image> Resize 200X200 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  Move to the top right hand side of your

Open cloud and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  Move behind the moon.

Open fence Image> Resize 650X274 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  Move down a bit.

Open bleedingheart-vine Image> Resize 300X142 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  Move to where you want
on the right side of the fence and when happy duplicate it and then mirror it.

Open tree-2 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  Position where you like.  Once happy with where it is
Layers> Duplicate and on the top copy Adjust> Blur Gaussian Blur 3.00 and change the blend mode to soft light.

Open fog-2 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  Move to the right.  Arrange so it is below the tree layer and
then Layers> Duplicate Image> mirror.

Open your tube and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  I had to Resize the tube I used.  Position to where you
like it.

Open streetlamp and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  I put it behind my tube so my tubes hands rested on the
lamp and tree.

Open lantern Image> Resize 99X200 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  Move to the bottom right of the tag.

Open fog-1 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  Play around to see where you like it.  I ended up mirroring it
and placing it over the skirt of my tube.

Once happy with everything, I did Layers> Merge Visible and resized it to 600X600

At this point you need to put your © copyright information and name on the tag and you are done!

Oh yeah with the name?  I did use the Eyecandy 4000>Drip if you have it and want to use it just play
with the settings to get the drips the way you want them.

I would like to Thank You for visiting my blog and I hope you do this tut!  This is a great kit to play with!
Hugs, Staci

PTU-Queen of Everything

PTU-Queen of Everything

I used the HD artwork of Ismael Rac.  You can purchase this tube and others at his store

Filters used- I used DSB Flux and Xero.  They are FTU plug-ins and can be downloaded here.

Font used- I used a FTU font called Fontasia for the name and for Queen of Everything I used Champagne and Limousines another FTU font.


Open the template in the HD pack and delete the info layer.

Starting on Raster 4 Selections> Select All Selections Float/Defloat Open Egyptian_pp2_XX and copy
and paste as a new layer, Selections> Invert and hit the delete key on your keyboard.  Selections>
Select None.  Delete Raster 4. What I did next was Duplicate the circle and used DSB Flux> Bubbles.
Use whatever setting you like...

Click on Raster 3 Selections> Select All Selections Float/ Defloat Open Egyptian_pp3_XX and copy
and paste as a new layer, Selections> Invert and hit the delete key on your keyboard.  Selections>
Select None. Delete Raster 3  What I did was duplicate this layer applied DSB Flux blast to the right.
I had to use my pick tool afterward to shorten it on the right a bit but again that choice is yours.

Click on Raster 5. Selections> Select All Selections Float/ Defloat Open Egyptian_pp2_XX Image> Rotate
Right/Left and copy and paste as a new layer.  Selection> Invert and hit that delete key again.  Selections>
Select None.  Delete Raster 5.

Click on Raster 6.  Selections> Select All Selections Float/ Defloat Open Egyptian_pp2_XX Image> Rotate
Right/Left and copy and paste as a new layer.  Selection> Invert and hit that delete key again.  Selections>
Select None.  Delete Raster 6.

Click on Raster 2. Selections> Select All Selections Float/ Defloat Open Egyptian_pp3_XX and copy
and paste as a new layer, Selections> Invert and hit the delete key on your keyboard.  I then used DSB Flux>
Blast to the right with Raster 2.

Click on Raster 7. Selections> Select All Selections Float/ Defloat Layers> New Raster Layer and I flood filled with a gradient using Red and Orange...I deleted Raster 7 and then duplicated the flood filled layer.  On that
bottom layer I used DSB Flux> Bubbles and then used my pick tool to move the bubbles closer to the original size
and then used DSB Flux Blast up, down, left and right.

Make your black circles active. Layers> Arrange move to the top. on the top layer (the one that doesn't have a filter on it) Selections> Select all Float/Defloat and take your close up tube and copy and paste as a new layer,
Selections> Invert and hit the delete key on your keyboard once.  I duplicate the tube and on the original
layer I applied Xero> Greyscaler and on the duplicated layer I did Adjust> Blur Gaussian blur of 3 and changed the blend mode to soft light.

Move the red/orange sun up and under that tube/black circle layer.

With your top layer activated open the next middle tube and copy and paste as a new layer.  As I wanted
to show her hands on her hips I had to go to the very bottom layer Selections> Select All and go to the top tube layer
and Image> Crop to selection.
Duplicate your tube layer and this time I added Xero> Porcelain to the bottom/ original layer and for the
duplicated layer did the blur and then changed the blend mode to soft light.

I added a palm tree from the HD pack but there is lots of stuff there that you can add.

Once you are happy with everything Layers> Merge Merge Visible

I added Queen of Everything and used the gradient  for the small round circle around
Add your © and Name and you are done!

Have fun!  I hope you play with the different settings of the plug ins!

Hugs, Staci

Monday, September 12, 2011

Brand New CU/PU Pumpkin Template!!!

Hi everyone!  I am excited to share this with you all!  You can use as CU or PU only thing I ask is that you don't claim as your own as I worked very hard on this and that you link back here to share not on your own site.
Enjoy!  And please leave some love when you d/l
Hugs, Staci

CU/PU Pumpkin Template

PTU-Magical Dreams

PTU-Magical Dreams

Tube of Choice.  I used Anna Marine's Beautiful tube that is a background and can be
purchased at CDO.

Scrap kit I used is a Beautiful kit called Magical Dreams by Foxy's Designz.  Thank You so much Ann for allowing my to use your Beautiful Kit!  This kit and others by Foxy can by purchased at Digi Fox Studio.

Font I used is called Pea Lovey Dovey.  You can download this and other fonts at Fonts for Peas.

Filter used is Eye Candy Gradient Glow.  You can check it out here or just use a really heavy
white drop shadow.  That choice is yours.

The drop shadow I used is this V & H:2 Op:50  Blur:10 Color Black


Open a New Image 700X700 Transparent.

Open Element15_FD Image> Resize 600X621 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.

Open your tube with the background and Copy and Paste as a New Layer. Move this below your

Change your Mover Tool to your Pick Tool and scoot in the sides and bottom of the window so your
Background tube is all in the window.  Once you get it where you like it click on your tube layer,
activate your Eraser Tool and erase the bits of tube that are showing above and below the frame.
Layers> Merge  Merge Visible.

Open Element5_FD Image> Resize 650X478 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  Move to where you like.
I moved to the bottom and played with the window to get it where I liked it.

Open Element3_FD Image> Resize 491X109 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  I moved it down toward the
Bottom and moved it under the Apple City .

Open Element6_FD Image Resize 650X521 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.

Open Element17_FD Image> Resize 272X300 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer. Image> Mirror and move to
the Right.  Once happy with the placement move blow the window layer.

Open Element14_FD Image> Resize 272X167 With your top layer activated Copy and Paste as a New Layer.
I moved it to above the rainbow layer.

Open Element39_FD Image> Resize 500X343 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  I moved it to the top
part of the window.

Open Element12_FD Image> Resize 500X204 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  What I did was move it to the
right a touch and then duplicated moved up and to the left duplicated again and moved to the bottom.  I
merged all three of those layers and moved to the bottom.

Open Element19_FD Image> Resize 295X295 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  I moved it up and to the left
to cover the end of the branch and then Layers> Duplicate Image> Mirror and then moved that down and them moved
it under the window layer.

Open Element31_FD Image> Resize 295X134 and copy and Paste as a New Layer.  I moved it under the lamp on the
right and then duplicated and moved it down and to the left.

At this point you can add anything else you want to your tag that is in the kit or even a mask if you wanted

Once happy with everything Layers> Merge Merge Visible.

Put on your ©Copyright and Name.  What I did with the name is using the font of choice put in the name you want.
Selections> Select all Float/Defloat Selections> Modify Expand 2 then I used the color of the star and white
to make a sunburst gradient Layers> New Layer and flood fill with that gradient.  Move this below your original
name layer and with it still activated Adjust> Add/Remove Noise Add Noise Gaussian 80% Monochrome checked
and then I did a fat Gradient Glow.

I hope you enjoy doing this tut as much as I enjoyed writing it and I hope you learned something new also.

Hugs, Staci

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

PTU_Goth Chic

PTU-Goth Chic

Artist of Choice closeup. I used Miss Crow by Ismael Rac.  You can purchase this tube and others at his store here.

I used DigiMania's Scrapkit called Gothica.  This kit and other can by purchased at Digi Fox Mania.

The mask I used is Artmama's mask 11.  You can download this mask and others at Artmama's Blog.  Make sure you leave her some love!

Font of Choice.  I used Pea Thinksilver.  It is a FTU font and can be downloaded at Kevin and Amanda's.

Let's start by opening a New Image 700X700 transparent.

Open DMS_Gothica_Paper7 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.

Open Artmama Mask 11, Layers> New Mask Layer From Image Hit the down arrow till you find Artmama Mask11
Source luminance checked Invert mask data NOT checked and hit ok  Layers> Merge Merge Group. What I did
was with my mover tool I moved the mask layer down a little bit.

Open DMS_Gothica_Frame and Copy and Paste as a New Layer. With my mover tool, I moved the frame down just
a bit.  See my example for my placement.

Make your Magic Wand active Add(Shift) RGB Value Tolerence/Feather 0 Contiguous/Anti-alias checked,
Hold down your shift key on your keyboard and click your magic wand tool inside all the frames, Selection>
Modify Expand 5

Open DMS_Gothica_Paper5 and copy and Paste as a New Layer. I used the mover tool to move the paper down.
Once happy with where your paper is Selections> Invert and hit the Delete key on your keyboard. Selections>
Select None and move the paper under the frame.

Activate the Frame (Top) Layer.  Open DMS_Gothica_Crow Image> Resize 50% and Copy and Paste as a New
Layer.  Move to the upper right hand side of the frame.

Open DMS_Gothica_Candle Image> Resize 75% and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  Move to the bottom part of
the left side of the frame.  See my example for my placement.

Open DMS_Gothica_Beadball and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  I moved it right above the mask layer.

Open your closeup tube and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  I moved it so the bottom of the tube lined up with
the bottom of the frame. Arrange this layer so it is above the crow layer.

Activate your top layer, Open DMS_Gothica_GothChic wordart and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  Arrange to your

Open DMS_Gothica_Bow1 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  Move below your wordart layer and move to your liking.

Open DMS_Gothica_SkullDagger and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  Image> Free Rotate to the Right 90 degrees and
move this to the right and arrange under your bow layer.

With your top layer activated, Opens DMS_Doodle and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  I moved it to the bottom right
Layers> Duplicate Image> Mirror Image Flip and moved the duplicate layer to where I liked it.  Once happy,
I merged those two layers together and moved it to right above the mask layer.

With your top layer activated, Open DMS_Gothica_Broach and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  I moved it to the left
and arranged under the Candle Layer.

With your top layer activated, Open DMS_Gothica_GM_Razorblade and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  I moved it up
and to the left then moved down under the bead layer.

With your top layer activated, Open DMS_Gothica_Gem3 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  I moved it up and to the
right.  Once happy with placement, Move below the crow layer.

Layers> Merge Merge Visible.  I resized to 600X600.  Put your © copyright information and name on and that is it!

I hope you enjoy doing this tut!  It is a great kit!

Until Next time!
Hugs, Staci

Saturday, September 3, 2011

PTU-OOO Shiny!

OOO Shiny!

I used the artwork of Jennifer Janesko.  You can purchaser her artwork and more at CDO.

Scrap Kit used is Rebel Dezigns Dark Glitter.  Thank you Rene!  You can purchaser her
Scrap Kit at Digi Fox Studios.

Font used is Girls are Weird.  It is a FTU font and can be downloaded at DaFont.


Open a 700X700 Transparent Image.

Open RD-DarkGlitter_element6 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.
Image> Free Rotate Left/Right 90

With your Magic Wand Add(Shift) RGB Value Tolerance and Feather 0 Contiguous checked click
on the inside of your frame.

Open RD-DarkGlitter_paper3 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  I moved it down to show the
Pattern on the upper part of the paper.  Selections> Invert and hit the Delete Key on your keyboard
once.  Selections> Select None.  Move below your frame layer.

With your top layer activated, Open your Tube and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  My tube has a...
how to say it nicely LOL a flat head so I moved it so that the flat part was up at the top of the layer.

Open RD-DarkGlitter_element3 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  Move it to the top layer if it isn't
already and then move to the right (See mine for placement.)  Once happy where it is Layers> Duplicate
Adjust> Blur Gaussian Blur 3.00  Layers> Merge Merge Down.  Layers> Duplicate Image> Flip Image> Mirror
Layers> Merge Merge Down and then move to your bottom layer.

Activate the paper we put under the frame layer.  Open RD-DarkGlitter_element 10 and Copy and Paste
as a New Layer.  I moved it to the left so it is visible behind the tube and above the frame.  Once happy
with placement Layers> Duplicate Image> Mirror Image> Flip.

Activate your top layer, Open RD-DarkGlitter_element18 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  I moved it up
and to the right.  Layers> Duplicate  I moved this layer down and to the left so it looks like one big
feather. Layers> Merge Down and then move to the bottom.

Activate your top layer, Open RD-DarkGlitter_element41 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  I moved up and
to the right. Layers> Duplicate and I moved this layer down and to the left.  Once happy with placement
merge the two layers together and move to the bottom.

Activate your top layer, Open RD-DarkGlitter_element29 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  Image> Free Rotate
Left 25. Move up and to the left and move under your tube.

Activate your top layer, Open RD-DarkGlitter_element27 Image> Resize 50% and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.
Move to the left so it is in the middle of your leaves and move below your tube layer.

Layers> Merge Merge Visible but make sure the All Layers is NOT checked.

Open RD-DarkGlitter_element4 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  Move around till you are happy with it.
What I did was Duplicate the Merged Layer once I was happy with the frame and moved the duplicated layer
below the frame so I had a copy above and below the frame. I then activated the top layer got out my eraser tool
and erased a little of her head so all the frame showed through.

Activate your frame Layer. With your Magic Wand same settings as above click on the inside of your frame.
Selections> Modify Expand 10 Re-Open RD-DarkGlitter_paper3 and Copy and Paste as a New Layer Selections> Invert
and hit Delete once on your keyboard.  Selections> Select None.  Move this layer to the bottom.

Activate your top layer, Open RD-DarkGlitter-element35 Image> Resize 50% and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.
Move down so it is covering the bottom of your tube.  See my example for placement.

Open RD-DarkGlitter_element42 and Image> Resize 50% and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  Move this down next
to the Rose.

Open RD-DarkGlitter_element32  Image> Resize 50%.  Resize this one more time. Copy and Paste as a New Layer.
Move down next to the name plate.

Image> Resize to 600X600 Pixels.

Put on your © copyright information and name of choice and that is it!

I hope you enjoyed this tut and that you learned something different and that you do something different as
all my tuts are a guide not that you have to do exactly as I do.

Hugs, Staci

Thursday, September 1, 2011

PTU- For a Good Time Call...

PTU- For a Good Time Call...

Artwork by Ismael Rac.  I used the Jailbreak HD Pack which is wonderful!  To purchase
this or any other pieces of his work visit his store at

Filters used are dsb flux and Xero Radiance.  These are FTU filters and can be downloaded right here.

Font used is Uniquely Sprayed.  It is a FTU font and can be downloaded at Fonts2U.


Open a 600X250 Transparent New Image

Open JBHDP_pp2_XX and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  Go to the very bottom layer and make it active
Selections> Select All then make your paper layer active and go to Image> Crop to Selection and now
your paper is the right size!

Open JBHDP_pp3_XX and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  Repeat the instructions above on how to get your
paper the right size.  Effect> dsb flux Blast Left at whatever setting it is on.  repeat dsb flux blast
but change direction to the right.  Repeat one more time but change direction back to the left.
Change your blend mode to Overlay.  Click on that bottom layer again. Selections> Select All click on the
paper you just blasted and Image> Crop to selection.

Open your tube...I used the close up tube but you can use which ever one you want.  I did Image> Mirror.
Copy and Paste as a New Layer and moved to where you want.  I moved mine to the right.  Clicked on the bottom
Layer and cropped the tube to selection.  Layer> Duplicate On the bottom (original) layer I did Xero> Radiance
at the default settings.  On the top (duplicated) layer of the tube Adjust> Blur Gaussian Blur at 3.00 and
changed the blend level to 56.  Some might want more blend some might want less it is your choice.

Re open your tube (again I used the close up tube for this one and resized.  If it is easier for you use the
middle sized or smaller sized tube)  Resized this tube and Copy and Paste as a New Layer.  Drop Shadow of

Layers> Merge Visible.  Put in your © copyright info and license info and watermark.

I then put on there For a Good Time Call but you can put whatever you want and a name.

I wanna Thank You for doing my tutorial and I hope you have as much fun as I did making it!
Hugs, Staci